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Click on the link here to create a surface temperature anomaly or trend map for any period.


NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio


Click on the link here to search for satellites which will fly over your location.

Screenshot 2020-09-24 at 9.43.34 PM.png
Take Our Quiz
Tansen singing Rag Megh-Malhar at Mughal Emperor Akbar's Court is believed to.......
As well as being a famous movie star, Thor was one of the Gods of which ancient mythology?
Green house earth is characterized by lack of……………
Name the person who developed first climate model of greenhouse effect in 1869?
GRACE was a joint mission of NASA and German Aerospace Center. What does GRACE stands for?
Which of the following are greenhouse gases?
Which amongst the followng satellites launched by NASA gives information about clouds and climate on earth?
Dscovr Satellite is aimed at providing timely and accurate warnings of space weather events like geomagnetic storms.

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Ms. Arshiya Singh

Mr. Atharv Maleyvar

Mr. Achintya Jha

Ms. Nidhi Chopra

Ms. Sumedha Gupta

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